
Sunday 15 August 2021

Principles of Foreign Policy of Pakistan

 This is based on the following basic principles.

PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE. Pakistan believes in peaceful co-existence and respects the liberty, freedom and sovereignty of other countries, and expect the same from others. Pakistan is always disinterested in the internal affairs of others, and opposes imperialisms and aggression of every type.

NON-ALIGNMENT. Pakistan has adopted the policy of non-alignment by making changes in its foreign policy. Pakistan has not shown alignment with any block, and has established good relationship with all the countries. Therefore, now Pakistan is trying to establish good relationship with Russia, United States of America, People Republics of China, United Kingdom, France and other countries and excepts the same from others of significant importance. At present Pakistan is also a regular member of Non-aligned Movement (NAM).

BILATERALISM. Pakistan wants to develop its relations with all countries on the basis of bilateralism. Therefore, Pakistan has invited India many times to solve the Kashmir dispute by negotiation.

UNITED NATIONS CHARTER. Pakistan is a member of United Nations and follows its charter strictly. Therefore Pakistan has supported every action of the United Nations and provided military assistance to implement its decisions.

SUPPORT TO RIGHT SELF-DETERMINATION. Pakistan supports the right of self-determination of all the suppressed nations. Pakistan believes that every nation must have the right of self determination. Therefore, Pakistan has supported the demand of abolishing the colonialism and every movement for the exercise of the right of self-determination in Europe, Africa and Asia. Pakistan has played very important role in the struggle of independence of Kashmir, Palestine, Bosnia, Namibia and Vietnam. It has also opposed the occupation of Afghanistan by Russia and helped the Afghanis to get the liberation from foreign rule.

UNITY OF ISLAMIC WORLD. Pakistan is the supporter of the unity of Islamic world, and is following the policy to establish good relation with Muslims countries. Pakistan has always tried to solve the conflicts of Islamic World and played very important role in Iran-Iraq war, Kuwait’s occupation by Iraq, Palestine’s liberation, and Afghanistan’s liberation. Pakistan is an active member of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Pakistan has provided a platform for Muslim countries of Central Asia to solve their economic problems by establishing Economic cooperation Organization.

DE-WEAPONIZATION. Pakistan is the main supporter of de-weaponization and supported all international efforts to de-weaponise the world. Therefore, Pakistan is not in the race of weaponization. Pakistan uses atomic energy for peaceful purposes. Pakistan tries to avoid the danger of nuclear war in the world. Pakistan has repeatedly suggested for the de-weaponisation of South Asia, but India has not responded it accordingly.

ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. Pakistan wants to eliminate the racial discrimination throughout the world. Pakistan has protested over racial discrimination in South Africa, Namibia and Rhodesia. There is no racial discrimination in Pakistan and all the minorities in Pakistan have equal rights.

ESTABLISHMENT OF PEACE. Pakistan wants establishment of peace throughout the world. Pakistan has also protested against aggressive powers, desires, and supported the oppressed nations for getting the peace. Pakistan has repeatedly invited India to negotiate peace in South Asia but it has rejected every move.

GOOD RELATIONS WITH NEIGHBOUR. Pakistan wants good relationship with all neighbours including India. Pakistan also wants to solve all the issues with neighbouring countries including Kashmir issue with India peacefully. Therefore, Pakistan has invited India for talks at any time, at every level and at every place.

INTERNATIONAL & REGIONAL COOPERATION. Pakistan is an active member of International and regional organizations i.e. United Nations, Non-aligned Movement (NAM), Organization of Islamic cooperation (OIC), Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) and SAARC. Pakistan always cooperates with all these organizations for the security of World Peace.

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