
Monday 7 November 2016

What India Wants From Pakistan

I am posting here a follow up thread to my last one "What India Wants From Pakistan". Because of some reason I could not post anymore on that thread so after reading over 10 pages posts on the previous one I decided to write about my observations here in this new thread !

Just to regather , I wanted to know the view point of people across the border on what they expect Pakistan to do to have a normal relations with India instead of ongoing war like situation. Also I pointed out the complains which most of people of Pakistan have against Indians and why we think India always is enemy of Pakistan .

My observations are that most Indians seem to accept Pakistan as a reality and ready to live with it but in dealing with Pakistan they have a superiority complex and wish to dominate their terms for peaceful relations instead of equality . But they do realize importance of Pakistan specially as a land transit trade route to Central Asia . 

The gist of their views can be said in three sentences. 1 / Give up Kashmir 2/ Stop terrorism 3/ Give access to Central Asia .

On matter of Kashmir majority of Indians consider the whole of Jammu ?Kashmir & GB as theirs but ready to accept current status quo in which both countries remain happy with what they got and make the current borders as Final Line of Control. Only a few Indians do realize that they have occupied Kashmir unjustly but even those people want Pakistan to accept this and not willing to give up their part of Kashmir .

On water issues it seems that most Indians consider Indus Water Treaty as already a big concession to Pakistan and not ready to accept the idea that India is trying to control Pak rivers by building dams on them. 

Finally on terrorism almost all Indians who responded have single view and that is we Pakistanis have always been doing terrorism in India specially by sending Jihadis in Kashmir and either India has never done any kind of terrorism in Pakistan at all or what ever Indians have done is only a reply .

After reading the views of Indians I like to put forward my own views which can be considered as a message to across the border .

First of all Pakistan is an independent sovereign nation of 200 million people and ready to have good relations with India just like we have with China but only if India decides to behave like a friendly nation.

Secondly, Indians should realize that matter of Kashmir can only be decided according to the will of people of Kashmir them selves . It is not upto Pakistan or India to impose on them our own wills . They should realize that it is the Indian Occupied side of Kashmir which has constantly been burning for last 69 years and not the Pakistan side so the problem lies on their part . They are the ones who have more then 700,000 military in a region of less then 10 million people and have been constantly killing innocent people , raping their women , destroying their youth and culture . Times are changing and in modern times a one country cannot oppress and govern any region by force and sooner or later they have to give up Kashmir but then already too much cost would be paid in terms of monetary social and human cost ! For the start Indians can stop killing Kashmiris and work with Pakistan to make the Jammu and Kashmir region as demilitarized land , give both regions more autonomy and allow people from both Kashmirs to free to travel and trade with each other . Once situation is improved then will of Kashmiri people should be asked and matter should be decided only and only according to what Kashmiri people want . 

Thirdly, water is a matter of life and death for an individual or any country . If Pakistan feels that their life line is being blocked or taken away from them then they will have no other reason but to fight for it . So it is better for India to stop tempering with Pakistani waters and solve this issue amicably or be ready for the consequences which will not be good for peace of the region.

Fourthly , on issue of terrorism , Indian public seem to be blinded by their media and see just one side of the story. They consider events like 2008 Mumbai attack , Uri and so on as state sponsored terror acts from Pakistan. On the contrary the evidence shows that the Mumbai attack of 2008, Parliament attack of 2001 and Samjhota Express burning, and some others which have all been credited to Pakistan had actually been false flag operations of Indian RAW ! On the contrary Pakistan authorities have concrete evidence about Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan . We have caught serving Indian officers like Kulboshan Yadav , Sarbajit Singh and so on who have admitted their crimes . I suggest Indian people to find out what their countries so many consulates are doing in Afghanistan and Iran adjacent to Pakistan border . I am sure thy will be surprised to find that these consulates are actually breeding grounds of terrorists who are being brain washed their and then send to Pakistan for blowing our people. The dreadful incident of APS and so many others like this and blood of 50,000 innocent Pakistanis is on their hands. The truth is that it is India not Pakistan which is sponsoring terrorism in neighboring country so it should stop in case Indians wish to see good relations with Pakistan.

In the end I would like to say that in case of peace between two countries Pakistan can offer a lot to India in same way as we are offering to China . Indians can conduct trade and investment and can freely travel and have access to a market of over 200 million people whose economy is growing . India can also integrate to countries like Iran and Central Asian region as well as Russia and Turkey via Pakistan . In reply Pakistanis will also love to have access to Indian markets and free travel within India and have contact with their Muslim brothers and sisters who are still living in India and also visit Islamic holy and our cultural heritage sites . So peace between two countries is a win win situation for both but for this it need sacrifice from both sides and more from India as it is a bigger power .

I , however, know that under current circumstances the above happy situation may take years or even decades since no side seem to budge from their stance. Still at the most we can hope for a situation like "Cold Peace" in which both countries just dont interfere or bother each other for a while and live and let live and see from where it can lead . I say this because the last alternate left for both countries is only one and that is conflict and with both being nuclear power this will do nothing but destroy each other and our future generations ! Are we willing to do that ?????

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