
Saturday 24 September 2016

Pakistan Cannot Conquer Kashmir Through War : Hina Rabbani Khar

ISLAMABAD: Former foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar on Sunday said Pakistan cannot "conquer Kashmir through war" and progress on the issue can only me made in an environment of mutual trust with India.

"I believe that Pakistan cannot conquer Kashmir through war and if we cannot do that, the option we are left with is dialogue, and dialogue can only proceed with a partner with which we have normal relations and a certain level of mutual trust," Khar said in an interview with Geo News.

She claimed that the PPP government, despite being a coalition government, had tried its best to normalize ties with India through relaxation of visa rules and by normalizing trade ties.

"The issues between the two countries cannot be resolved in a hostile environment."

Khar, who remained Pakistan's foreign minister from 2011 to 2013, maintained that the Kashmir issue can be resolved "if we continue to talk on the issue, then we will reach somewhere".

Answering a question regarding the military's influence on Pakistan's foreign policy, she said that it is a diplomat's job to carry forward the military's perspective on issues where the military is a relevant stake holder.

Khar stated some people believe that the issue can only be resolved "if there is a BJP government in India and a military government in Pakistan".

Khar observed that Musharraf gave India adequate relaxation on the Kashmir issue during his tenure.

'US tilt towards India driven by economy'
When asked about the recent downturn in Pak-US ties and the US' tilt towards India, the former foreign minister said the US tilt towards India is driven by economy, market and because of a wish to contain the rising power of China.

"Now let us ask ourselves, is US moving towards India because India is a nuclear state, or because it is a military power, no, it is people power and their democratic traditions, if we want to compete, lets compete on these grounds," said Khar.

The former foreign minister also termed Pakistan's entry into Afghan Jihad a 'mistake' and maintained that Pakistan's dependence on US is more in "our minds than on the ground".

She termed it as Zia's mistake for helping the US in the 80s, and added Musharraf had no option when it came to helping the US in 2001.

'Foreign office or political office'
Criticizing the approach and the performance of ministry of foreign affairs, she asked if the foreign office has turned into a political office.

"The foreign office is busy nowadays in apprising the nation about some country's leader sending flowers to the prime minister or inquiring about his health," said Khar.

Khar maintained that Pakistan's current foreign policy is "reactive and not active" as Pakistan is not taking its own line or direction but is only reacting on the circumstances arising in the region or world at large.

"In 60 years, we have taught our children that our national identity is to hate someone, and we are doing it with those who are physically the nearest. Hostile with India and now hostile with Afghanistan," said the former foreign minister.

Summing up her answer, she maintained that the basic objective of Pakistan's foreign policy should be to serve the people of the country and not the pursuit of power.

Thursday 22 September 2016

Barcelona striker Lionel Messi ruled out for three weeks

Lionel Messi will be out for three weeks after suffering a groin strain in Barcelona's draw with Atletico Madrid.

The striker went off on 59 minutes on Wednesday after a Diego Godin tackle.

He was forced to miss Argentina's World Cup 2018 qualifier against Venezuela earlier this month with a groin injury, but has played in all five La Liga games for his club this season.

The Argentine could return for Barca's Champions League tie with Manchester City on 19 October.

Prior to that tie, Messi will be ruled out of games against Borussia Monchengladbach in the Champions League, Sporting Gijon and Celta Vigo in La Liga, and World Cup qualifiers against Peru and Paraguay.

Sergio Busquets was also forced off with injury in the second half of Wednesday's game as Angel Correa's equaliser cancelled out Ivan Rakitic's opener at the Nou Camp.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

World's first bus using hydrogen under normal pressure rolls off in central China

Watch Video Here..


The world's first fuel cell bus which can use hydrogen fuel under normal pressure and temperature rolled off the production line in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, central China on Saturday. 

Tuesday 20 September 2016

German official charged with spying on Sikhs for India

BERLIN: A German immigration official has been arrested and charged with espionage for an Indian secret service for allegedly spying on members of the Sikh religion, prosecutors said Tuesday.

The 58-year-old German national, identified only by the initials T.S.P., was accused of "espionage activity and violation of professional secrecy rules in 45 cases," they said in a statement.

Sunday 18 September 2016

How to Make Twins. Factors and Increase Chances of Having Twins

Nowadays, many couples want to have twins and are willing to do whatever it takes to increase the odds in their favor. Besides, there is nothing wrong with dreaming that one day you will also have twins. While it is a fact that you do not get to choose who gets to be in your family, the case is slightly different when it comes to conceiving twins. If you come from a family that has a history of hyper ovulation (the release of more than a single egg when ovulating), it helps because your chance of having twins increases.

How Common Are Twins?

Back in 2010, there was one birth of twins in every thirty births that happened in the USA. Moreover, 1 in every 726 births was for triplets or a higher order of children in a single birth.

Friday 16 September 2016

Europe doesn't threaten national identity

EU leaders will come together in Bratislava to discuss the way forward after the Brexit vote. They will reflect on the need to do better when it comes to providing security, jobs and growth. They will focus on delivering results in a way that unites us, not least in the interest of the young.

As European commissioner in charge of education, culture, youth and sport, I think that one of the most pressing lessons from the outcome of the Brexit vote is this: we must do better at creating a European identity.

US threatens UN arms embargo on South Sudan

US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power speaks during a UN Security Council in Juba on September 2, 2016, to push for regional force. 
The United States on Wednesday threatened to push for a UN arms embargo on South Sudan if the government blocks the deployment of a new regional force and impedes the work of UN peacekeepers.
US Ambassador Samantha Power said President Salva Kiir's government must quickly show that it will follow up on its commitment to allow the 4,000-strong force to be deployed in Juba, the country's capital.

At UN, Pakistan asks India six questions over Kashmir situation.

NEW YORK: Pakistan again questioned India’s unabated atrocities on defenceless Kashmiris with impunity and urged the international community to come to the aid of Kashmiris facing massive human rights violations.

At the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in a right of reply, the Pakistani delegate asked India to respond for the Council’s information that:

1. Can India deny that the situation in Kashmir is an internationally recognized dispute on which there are number of UN resolutions?

2. Can India deny that the UN has expressly called for the holding of an impartial plebiscite to ascertain the wishes of the Kashmiri people?

Thursday 15 September 2016

China to launch world’s first ‘cold’ atomic clock in space that will stay accurate for a billion years..

The clock is ticking for the world’s most accurate working time piece, the NIST-F2 atomic clock operated by America’s National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado.

And fittingly, the challenge is coming from the country that invented the mechanical clock almost 1,300 years ago – China.

What To Do When You Are Sad


I may not be sharing my feelings with all-day tears, but I am expressing them with ink on paper. I won’t share or keep everything I write about, but it helps to get it out. If you write or enjoy another creative process, use it to help you relax and process.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Earn More Money With PropellerAds

What Is PropellerAds?

It is the best monetizing network where you can monetize your website and earn more money. It was established in 2011 but it has grown very much because of its marvelous ads publishing offers.

Moreover, it offers two types of traffic, mobile and desktop traffic with an impressing volume of about 650 millions of impression per day from every country of the world.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Monday 12 September 2016

How To Earn Money With Free Lancing

Here is the method friends to earn money by free lancing. These are the easiest and quickest tips. Watch video for more. I hope it will help you out. ^_^

Saturday 10 September 2016

France and Germany plan' more active' EU defence

France and Germany are preparing joint proposals for a "more active and more useful" European defence policy, the French defence ministry told AFP on Friday.

The document, by French Defence Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian and his German counterpart Ursula von der Leyen, will serve as a "basis for considering a relaunch of European defence", the ministry said and comes ahead of a European Union summit to discuss plans to boost the bloc's security and defence mechanisms.

The objective is to make European defence "more active and more useful without substituting it for national defence bodies which remain, by definition, the key to the security of EU member states," a member of LeDrian's entourage said.

"What we are looking for is to trigger EU operations more easily," he added, without revealing details of the plans. He did say, however, that these were "concrete" proposals and not just "grand ideas".

The Franco-German document proposes the establishment of a European defence headquarters, a common satellite surveillance system and the sharing of logistics and military medical resources, according to the Saturday edition of the German daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung

There would be a tighter circle of EU members for some defence projects where it proves impossible to gain agreement from all, the paper added, citing the document.
There is also a suggestion for better use of Eurocorps, an intergovernmental military body that has France and Germany at its centre. Belgium, Spain and Luxembourg are members of the Strasbourg-based Eurocorps, set up for rapid deployment to hotspots.

The EU has already been involved in the training of foreign armies, as part of conflict resolution, and might become involved in financing their equipment.

The bloc could also become engaged in research and development, to strengthen the European defence industry. The discussions are in part due to the June vote by Britain to leave the EU.

According to von der Leyen, London had long "paralysed" European efforts to have a more closely integrated security policy.

French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel initiated the joint security initiative on the margins of a NATO summit in July and are set to present the resulting ideas for discussion at the EU summit in Bratislava next week.

The informal meeting is expected to provide a new impetus for the EU in several areas, including youth and investments, as the bloc seeks to forge its future without Britain. However British Prime Minister Theresa May reaffirmed on Thursday that she would not launch Brexit talks this year.

Turkey Could Stumble in a US-trap in Syria and Iraq

This was the discussion started by 'Hurshid Celebi' 

in'Middle East & Africa'

Turkey is preparing for a multinational mission in Syria and 

Iraq against ISIS, high probably with boots on the ground.

If necessary diplomatic assurances are not 100% 

guaranteed , Turkey could be the big loser.

USA wants SDF to act as the guide force against ISIS in 

Rakka and PKK / YPG also to be operational in Mosul.

Should Turkey accept this US conditions and once again 

give away own cards, as in the refugee agreements with the 

EU, Turkey will be at the end of the day the big loser.

This operation must be discussed in details with Russia, 

Iran, Syria and Iraq and legitimated from the UN.

SURE, National territory has to be protected beyond own 

boarders , but with waterproof guarantees.

Bubblegum Messenger

It is the start of this app. It is a messenger where you can easily connect with your friends and family at anytime and anywhere. It provides quick and fast service and there are many extra features of this app. 
It has strong privacy and strict policy. Use it guys.. you are gonna enjoy.. ^_^

Friday 9 September 2016

China Successfully Develops Quantum Radar System

A Chinese firm has tested and developed a radar system which uses quantum involvement to beat the stealth technologyof modern military craft: Media said,

The first Chinese quantum radar was developed by the intelligent Perception Technology Laboratory of the 14th Institute in CETC, according to Xinhua news agency. CETS stands for Electronics Technology Group Corporation, a defense and electronics firm.

The system was able to detect a target at a range of 100 Km in a real-world environment, the report said, "The device employs single photon detection technology."

Quantum radar is a device that uses quantum involvement photons to provide better detection capabilities than conventional radar systems. The method would be useful for tracking targets with a low radar cross section, such as modern aircraft using stealth technology or targets employing active countermeasures to jam or baffle enemy radar.

Earlier, China launched the world's first quantum communications satellite, which uses quantum entanglement for cryptography.

The radar was tested in mid-August, Xinhua said in a Thursday report. 

The technology may also find use in bio-medicine, since quantum radar requires lower energy and can be used to non-invasively probe for objects with low reflectivity, such as cancer cells.

Earn 100$ With Google Adsense.

When your CTR is 1% and your average CPC is $0.25. it’s quite achievable to make $100 dollars a day, and lots of people are doing it. Let's assume that a Page View = An Ad Impression. 

  • To make $100 everyday you need 40,000 Page Views/day Or, 400 Clicks a day @ 1% CTR and $0.25 CPC. For 40,000 Page Views you have to produce 500 awesome articles on your website. These pages must attract at least 80 or more page views everyday.

    These articles can be as little as 300 words. Always include a YouTuble video on every article page you create. Many people writing a book, can simply write their book on their website and make money simply by writing it. You can also get your visitors to contribute their story ideas. This gets you free content and engages your followers. 
  • Apart from CPC, you will also earn from your CPM ad impressions. Irrespective of any niche, the average CPM earning is $1 to $1.5 per 1,000 impressions. You can make $40 to $60 per day from 40,000 page views.
  • You can also sell your Ad space directly or via, and generate $6,000 Per Month on an average from 40,000 page views. Check out how webmasters are making $6,000 to $8,000 Per Month from BuySellAds with forty thousand page views per day. So your daily earning will be $200 (6000/30=200).
  • A niche website with high quality articles works well with affiliate marketing. You can might be able to earn $40 to $80/day from affiliate selling with correct implementation and execution.
Now your total earning per day is $100 + $40 + $200 +$40 = $380 from CPC, CPM, Direct Ad Sell, Affiliate Marketing for 40,000 page views per day. I’ve taken the lowest possible earnings from all the 4 sources.
$380 per day means $11,400 per month (380X30= 11,400) Or, $136,800 per year (11,400X12=136,800). 

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Earn Money With Google Adsense.

What is Google AdSense?

AdSense is one of the most convenient ways to make additional money from your website.
All you do is copy some code into your site to display the ads, and you earn every time someone clicks. You may also earn from impressions in some cases.
All this is derived from a program they call AdWords (pay per click marketing).

You often see these ads displayed above the free/organic results and along the right side of the page on
These are called Sponsored Results, and the advertisers are paying a certain amount of money per click for these ads.

How Much Amount Can You Earn Exactly With Google Adsense?

The commission you receive per click depends on how much advertisers are paying Google for the particular ad. You will earn a share of that amount.  I've heard of earnings anywhere from 2 cents to $15 per click.

Getting over $1 is probably very rare, although it does happen from time to time. However, you will find that most of your earnings will be on the lower end of the spectrum.
It's important to note that I cannot estimate how much you will earn based on your traffic. People always want to know what the average amount is per click.
No one knows the answer to this except Google, so don't let anyone try to tell you any different. It would be impossible for myself or any AdSense publisher to give this information because the ads all cost different prices and we have no idea what advertisers are paying.

However, there are some niches that obviously pay more. So it is logical to believe that keyword phrases like sex, make money, etc. may earn you more per click since these are highly competitive keywords that are searched for quite a bit on  
The more competitive the search term, the more the advertisers pay and the more you earn as a publisher.

Create Your Website For Adsense

Before you even begin your site, make sure you've come up with a topic that you feel you know plenty about.  That way it will be easiest to write a lot of content. 
The more content you have, the better chance you have getting accepted into the program.  Also, the more content and traffic, the greater the earning potential. 
If you want to make a lot of money, prepare to write a lot of content and learn how to market your site. Don't expect to throw up a 10 page site and make $1,000 per month. That's unrealistic.

Tips On Succeeding with Adsense

Here are some tips for achieving success with Google AdSense.

Build Traffic

You're not going to make anything with AdSense if you don't have enough traffic. Please don't think this is some easy, get-rich-quick program. This takes work and it all starts with getting visitors.

Create Channels

Channels allow you to see what units are working best. So if you are adding an AdSense unit to your header, you should create a channel called (name it Header, for example) so you can track its performance in your reports.
I think it's important to maximize your click through rate (CTR) so you can attract more advertisers (just my opinion based on logic.) So I remove channels/units that perform significantly lower than others.
Advertisers want to advertise on sites that will give them the most clicks, right? So it makes sense to optimize your account's CTR as much as you can.

Avoid Free Hosts

I know times are tough economically and a lot of you don't want to pay for a website. But the facts don't lie. Successful website owners invest money. Period.
I have yet to open up a magazine and see a successful site featured hosted on or another free host. Never. And I've been out here since 1998.
If you want the search engines and people to take your site seriously, you have to own your site. And if you don't do this, I question your dedication.
Even if it means you have to wait and save your money for 6 months to buy a domain and hosting. I'd rather you do that then take shortcuts with free hosting.

Why you are not making much money ?


People often ask me why their earnings are so low and there are many reasons for that.

1. Not enough traffic

If your site has less than 500 visitors per day, it's going to be difficult to make much with AdSense. You have to remember that only a small percentage of people will click on your ads (1-2%) so if you have 500 people coming to your site in a day, that's 5 clicks.
Also, most clicks will earn you less than $1, so hopefully you can see that it takes a great deal of traffic to build up income with AdSense.

2. Not enough relevant ads displaying

Some niches have more, relevant ads that Google can display. This will drastically impact your click through rate. If the ads aren't relevant to your content then your visitors aren't going to click.
That's why it's important to make sure your site has a lot of content so you can help Google display the most relevant ads. Granted, sometimes there aren't relevant ads available, and there's nothing you can really do about that.
However, just having a few sentences with some images is not helping Google find the best ads because you have so little content.

3. Low paying niche

Let's face it. Some niches pay more than others. If you have a finance site, the ads will probably pay more than the ads on an entertainment site.
So the niche you are in plays a big role in how much you can make. That's why it's hard to estimate how much anyone can earn with AdSense. There are just too many different variables.

Why you are not getting approved?


People often ask me why they can't get approved for AdSense. It's tough to answer because I do not work for Google, so I can only guess.
Many times it's because there are not enough pages on your website. I tell people to shoot for at least 20-30 pages at the very minimum, and make sure your content is very niche -- centered around ONE topic.
Google doesn't like sites that cover too many different topics because it's hard to target ads. The more focused your content is, the better.

Getting disabled from Adsense?


Recently, a lot of publishers have been getting their accounts disabled for "fraudulent or potential fraudulent click activity."
This has frustrated a lot of AdSense publishers because many claim they have done nothing wrong and how in the heck does Google define "potential" click fraud?
No one really knows.
Remember, Google earns most money from advertising. The ads that appear on your pages are costing someone money every single time a click is registered.

Nothing is Gauranteed with Adsense


As frustrating as it is to get disabled from AdSense, keep in mind, Google never promises us anything and they will do what they can to protect their own revenue.
If that means disabling accounts they feel are at risk of producing click fraud, they will do it.
I know that's a tough pill to swallow and I can imagine it does feel horrible to get your account disabled, but when we all "accepted" the terms and conditions upon signing up, that is basically what we were agreeing to.
There are no guarantees with AdSense and we are all at risk of losing our accounts.

Was this helpful?

I think it would help you a lot. If you have any query or comments you are free to share.